RCR Episode 132: Kevin Loves Apples (KansasFest 2016)

Panelists: Kevin Savetz (hosting), Mark Pilgrim, Kate Szkotnicki, Lisa Allyn, and Jeff Blakeney (contestants)

Host’s Topic: Kevin Loves Apples

After one too many repetitions of his name, Kevin Savetz materialized at KansasFest 2016 and wrested control of the Retrocomputing Roundtable. A panel of four attendees compete in Apple-II-related games, recorded live at KansasFest.

Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 131: Vintage Computer Festival West

Panelists: Earl Evans and Randy Kindig (hosting), and Evan Koblentz (expert witness)

Host’s Topic: Vintage Computer Festival West

Randy and Earl wonder about VCF West, and Evan comes to the rescue, in this Very Special Episode of the Retrocomputing Roundtable (recorded jointly with Floppy Days). Also, the first of two consecutive episodes crossing over with ANTIC.

Sharing is caring! Alert everyone you know who might be interested in going to VCF West XI that it’s happening, soon. Always better to learn about these things before they happen, rather than after they’re over.

Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 130: What good is source code?

Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting), Earl Evans, Jack Nutting, and Carrington Vanston

Host’s Topic: What good is source code?

As more original source code becomes available (we’ll talk about a couple [Apollo Guidance Computer and LucasArts’ Habitat] later this episode—but before that fairly high profile source code from Apple II DOS, Xerox Alto, Microsoft BASIC, CP/M, Prince of Persia, Glider, Wander, Star Raiders, and more), what kinds of things do we hope to learn, or have we learned, or can we do with these? Are they just historical artifacts, or can they be used in the future as learning tools, or in new software, or…?

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 129: Was the tech in the 80’s better than today?

Panelists: Michael Mulhern (hosting), Paul Hagstrom, Jack Nutting, and Carrington Vanston

Host’s Topic: Was the tech in the 80’s better than today?

Was the 80’s tech better, or do you prefer today’s offerings? What did you love about the 80’s tech, and what do you miss?

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercials (sort of)

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 128: Surprises

Panelists: Michael Mulhern (hosting), Earl Evans, Paul Hagstrom, Jack Nutting, and Carrington Vanston

Host’s Topic: Surprises

A volunteer at TNMOC found a Lorenz cipher machine keyboard on eBay for £9.50. What has been your most unexpected find on eBay, at garage sale, or even at a flea market?

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercials (sort of)

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 127: Tragic: The Gathering of dust

Panelists: Earl Evans (hosting), Ken Gagne, Paul Hagstrom, and Jack Nutting

Host’s Topic: Tragic: The Gathering of dust

Most of us have vintage computers that we have purchased, used, but then ignored. In the early days, they were so easy to get, often for free, or cheap. Of your collection, which system do you most regret leaving in the closet, and why?

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 126: Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Panelists: Jack Nutting (hosting), Paul Hagstrom, and Michael Mulhern

Host’s Topic: Absence makes the heart grow fonder

What retrocomputers were actually less cool than you remember once you got your hands on one again? What were the annoyances you’d forgotten about?

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 125: A veritable plethora

Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting), and Michael Mulhern

Host’s Topic: A veritable plethora

Continuing to wonder about modern recreations as ever more appear on the scene. Are we cheating? Should we just get over it? Does this mean more people are coming? How do you choose which Apple IIGS RAM card to get?

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer “Commercial” (sort of):

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 124: Lunar landistry

Panelists: Earl Evans (hosting), Paul Hagstrom, Michael Mulhern, and Jack Nutting

Host’s Topic: Lunar landistry

SpaceX successfully blasted off a rocket, which they’ve done before – but this time, the rocket’s stage one came back down and landed itself safely! In celebration of their accomplishment, we wanted to look back on the game Lunar Lander, and its various incarnations.

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer “Commercial” (sort of):

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 123: Easter eggs

Panelists: Michael Mulhern (hosting), Earl Evans, and Paul Hagstrom

Host’s Topic: Easter Eggs

Hidden developer lists. Slipping it past management. Have you ever added an Easter Egg to a program?

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer “Commercial” (sort of):

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars
