RCR Episode 82: Milestones of 1982

Panelists: Earl Evans (hosting), Paul Hagstrom, Michael Mulhern, and Steven Weyhrich

Host’s Topic: Milestones of 1982

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial:

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 81: Milestones of 1981

Panelists: Carrington Vanston (hosting), Earl Evans, Paul Hagstrom, and Michael Mulhern

Host’s Topic: Milestones of 1981

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial:

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 80: Milestones of 1980

Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting), Michael Mulhern, Earl Evans, and Carrington Vanston

Host’s Topic: Milestones of 1980

Retro Computing News:

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 79.5: Retro Open ANTICHertz Mac Quarter Poly Floppy Drop (KansasFest 2014)

KansasFest 2014 Multicast!

Welcome to the “Retro Open ANTICHertz Mac Quarter Poly Floppy Drop” episode.

In this special joint podcast, live from KansasFest 2014, 9 podcasters (including 3 RCR regulars) discuss their favorite parts of KFest, play a game of 2 Truths and 1 Lie, and more!


Quinn Dunki: Open Apple
Ken Gagne: IndieSider, Polygamer
Paul Hagstrom: RCR, Drop /// Inches
Randy Kindig: ANTIC, Floppy Days
John Leake: RetroMacCast
Mike Maginnis: Open Apple, No Quarter, Drop /// Inches
Kevin Savetz: ANTIC
Carrington Vanston: RCR, No Quarter, DoubleTake, 1 MHz
Steve Weyhrich: RCR

Intro Song: Lazy Hazy Crazy KFest, lyrics created and sung by Steve Weyhrich

Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 79: How do you do your programming?

Panelists: Michael Mulhern (hosting), Paul Hagstrom, and Earl Evans

Host’s Topic: How do you do your programming?

We admire them, we play games on them, but how do we program them? BASIC or assembler? On the retro metal (OK, plastic), emulator, or cross-platform development? And finally, what is your favourite retro programming language?

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial:

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 78: Preserving the wild retroalope

Panelists: Earl Evans (hosting), Paul Hagstrom, Michael Mulhern, and Carrington Vanston

Host’s Topic:

Preserving the Wild Retroalope: Recreations are great. Repairs are great. But what actions can we take now to ensure that our vintage computers, peripherals or media don’t fail in the first place?

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial:

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 77: Wherefore Art Thou Retro?

Panelists: Carrington Vanston (hosting), Paul Hagstrom, Michael Mulhern and Earl Evans

Host’s Topic: Wherefore Art Thou Retro?

Why bother to use or collect retro computers? Other than for nostalgia, what good are these old computers when you could buy a modern PC for the price of an Apple II on eBay?

Retro Computing News:

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 76: Getting started

Panelists: Steven Weyhrich (hosting), Paul Hagstrom, Michael Mulhern, and Carrington Vanston

Host’s Topic:

What is the best way to get into the retrocomputing hobby if you wanted to start with nothing?

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial:

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 75: The lengths we go to

Panelists: Michael Mulhern (hosting), Paul Hagstrom, Earl Evans, Steven Weyhrich, and Carrington Vanston

Host’s Topic:

How far have you gone to personally pick-up a retro thingie?

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial:

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 74: Is it too late to copy that floppy?

Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting), Earl Evans, and Carrington Vanston

Host’s Topic:

Archiving physical media. Is it too late to copy that floppy?

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial:

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars
