RCR Episode 102: Bugs

Panelists: Jack Nutting (hosting), Earl Evans, Paul Hagstrom, and Carrington Vanston

Host’s Topic: Bugs

Bugs. You’ve seen ‘em. You’ve complained about ‘em. Maybe you’ve even created some yourself. The bugs we encounter on retro systems can seem like a different beast than on modern systems. On the one hand, we typically have no manufacturer offering support for buggy old hardware and software, but on the other hand, the inherently simpler design of older systems gives us a great chance of being able to track down and even fix bugs ourselves.

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial:

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 101: Media archaeology

Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting), Earl Evans, Lori Emerson, and Jack Nutting

Host’s Topic: Media Archaeology

Lori Emerson, founder of the Media Archaeology Lab, talks with us about the MAL, the history, goals, progress, and current happenings.

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial:

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 100: Let’s Kickstart something

Panelists: Earl Evans (hosting), Paul Hagstrom, Michael Mulhern, and Jack Nutting

Host’s Topic: Let’s Kickstart Something

There are plenty of modern-day add ons for our beloved retro computers. Virtual disk drives tend to top the list, followed by network devices. But what’s missing? Namely, what modern-day add on do you wish was out there for your favorite micro, but isn’t?

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial:

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 99: Choices of a new generation

Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting), Jack Nutting, and Carrington Vanston

Host’s Topic: Choices of a New Generation

Host’s Topic: There has been much discussion lately among retro enthusiasts about introducing the “next generation” (i.e. our kids) to the computers and software of our youth. If the machines we love are going to live on after we die, it will have to be in the hands of people who never had them growing up, and therefore have no real nostalgia for them. My question is this: What were your parents nostalgic for, that they tried to instill in you a nostalgia for? Did it work?

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial:

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 98: Programming tools

Panelists: Jack Nutting (hosting), Earl Evans, Paul Hagstrom, and Michael Mulhern

Host’s Topic: Programming tools

One of the things we like to do with old computers is program them. With modern computers, running editors and emulators, we can do some things a lot more easily than we could when dealing directly with the classic machines. Do you have any favorite tools and tips for doing this sort of thing?

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial:

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 97: Teaching old data new tricks

Panelists: Carrington Vanston (hosting), Paul Hagstrom, and Jack Nutting

Host’s Topic: Teaching Old Data New Tricks

Host’s Topic: What can/should/do you do with the data you find on newly acquired vintage computers?

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial:

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 96: Printers, with lasers

Panelists: Michael Mulhern (hosting), Paul Hagstrom, and Jack Nutting

Host’s Topic: Printers, with Lasers

Host’s Topic: 30 years ago HP and Apple released their first Laser printers, both based on a Canon engine. When did you first use a laser printer instead of an impact or thermal printer? What was the drove you to use lasers, and how hard/easy were they to use?

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial:

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 95: The gear left behind outweighs the needs of the few, or the one

Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting), Earl Evans, and Carrington Vanston

Host’s Topic: The gear left behind outweighs the needs of the few, or the one

There will come a time when whatever we have in our collection becomes somebody else’s responsibility. What should we be doing? Those of us collecting now have certainly all seen this happen, when we pick up piles of treasure from someone clearing out dearly departed grampa’s incomprehensible stuff from the attic, or from the lady down the street who did Apples in her garage. Is there a time to downsize? Information to write down for others? Are there organizations to contact for assistance, or should there be?

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial:

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 94: Radio Shack memories

Panelists: Jack Nutting (hosting), Earl Evans, Ken Gagne, Paul Hagstrom, and Carrington Vanston

Host’s Topic: Radio Shack Memories

Radio Shack has filed for bankruptcy, and we take this opportunity to talk about times when their history and ours coincided.

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial:

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 93: Are we cheating cheaters?

Panelists: Earl Evans (hosting), Ken Gagne, Paul Hagstrom, Michael Mulhern, Jack Nutting, and Carrington Vanston

Host’s Topic: Are we cheating cheaters?

Flash storage devices, Internet modems, multi-cartridges with entire software libraries, super RAM add-ons, LCD flat panels – what’s so retro about all that?

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial:

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars
