RCR Episode 172: But the menus won’t stay open

Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting) and Carrington Vanston (not hosting)

Topic: But the menus won’t stay open

Calmer days. Running old Mac OS software in an emulator, a reminder of how much extra whizzbang is distracting us now without necessarily adding much to the quality of the experience or production. Might it actually be useful to try to work in a retro environment?

Topic and feedback notes:

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 171: Shipwrecks

Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting), Earl Evans, and Carrington Vanston

Topic: Shipwrecks

eBay has gotten big enough that collectors with too little space, as well as non-experts, heirs, estate sale pickers, etc. can make rare and interesting vintage computer items available to those of us who are interested in them. Being good at finding things at estate sales is not the same as being good at packing things for shipment. What’s the worst eBay/general shipping experience you’ve had?

Topic and feedback notes:

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Closing notes:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 170: Vintage Computer Festivals

Panelists: Earl Evans (hosting), Paul Hagstrom, Evan Koblentz, Jack Nutting, and Carrington Vanston

Topic: Vintage Computer Festivals

Vintage Computer Festivals and the Vintage Computer Federation. See things, talk to people, escape into the past.

Topic and feedback notes:

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Closing notes:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 169: Load Accumulator Immediate

Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting) and David Greelish (not hosting)

Topic: Load accumulator

This is episode 169, known to hex enthusiasts as 0xA9, known to
6502 opcode enthusiasts as LoaD Accumulator (immediate mode).
So, naturally, we
will riff on the topic of accumulation.

Topic and feedback notes:

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Closing notes:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 168: Feedback

Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting) and Jack Nutting (not hosting)

Topic: Feedback

So much feedback to talk about, we just talk about feedback.

Topic and feedback notes:

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 167: Costly Custom Creations

Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting), Quinn Dunki, Jack Nutting, and Carrington Vanston

Topic: Costly Custom Creations

Continuing a discussion from last time, on the iterative process of designing, building, testing; costly custom creations; parts shortages; why it’s generally difficult.

Topic and feedback notes:

Retro Computing News:

Upcoming events:

Vintage Computer Commercial

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 166: Retrocomputing Replicators

Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting), Earl Evans, and Jack Nutting

Topic: Retrocomputing Replicators

Part of the fun of retrocomputing in the modern age is seeing what we can do with new technology to help our old hardware do things that were never before possible, or difficult, etc. With relatively easy availability of PCB design tools and fabrication shops, people set off to make their own projects, and share them. And maybe make a few and sell them. And people want them, and then they run out of time, interest, materials. Could things be better?

Topic and feedback notes:

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Closing notes:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 165: Computers and advertising

Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting), Jack Nutting, and Carrington Vanston

Topic: Computers and advertising

In honor of the Big Sports Game in the US, we attempt to talk about computers and advertisements. What advertisements made an impression on you, caused you to buy something? Were advertisements really mostly aimed at kids? Or were those just the ones we saw because we were kids? How have things changed? Did Carrington appear in a Quark ad campaign?

Topic and feedback notes:

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Closing notes:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 164: Retrocomputing Goals for 2018

Panelists: Earl Evans (hosting), Paul Hagstrom, Michael Mulhern, and Carrington Vanston

Topic: Retrocomputing Goals for 2018

What are some of your retrocomputing goals and projects for the coming year?

Topic and feedback notes:

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Closing notes:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 163: 2017

Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting), Ian Baronofsky, and Jack Nutting

Topic: 2017


Topic and feedback notes:

Retro Computing News:

Some upcoming shows/gatherings:

Vintage Computer Commercial

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Closing notes:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars
