RCR Episode 182: OK. OK. What’s Next?

Panelists: Earl Evans (hosting), Paul Hagstrom, and Carrington Vanston

Topic: OK. OK. What’s next?

How do you pick what to do next with your retro computer hobby and collection? Free time can be unpredictable, and sometimes projects get started and then stuck in limbo. Also, related – what is your “white whale” project that you’d like to do “someday” but you know in reality you might never get to it.

Topic and feedback notes:

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer-related Commercials:

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Closing discussion notes:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 181: Getting and Regretting

Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting), Michael Mulhern, and Carrington Vanston

Topic: Getting and Regretting

What vintage computer did you get… and regret?

Topic and feedback notes:

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercials:

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Closing discussion notes:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 180: Playing today’s games in 1000 years

Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting), Jack Nutting, and Carrington Vanston

Topic: Playing today’s games in 1000 years

To what extent should “we” expect to be able to play the games of today in 1000 years.
What challenges might there be? To what extent can the experience survive? Is there anything
we can do to make this work?

Topic and feedback notes:

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer-related Commercial

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Closing discussion notes:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 179: Having no topic didn’t help

September 30, 2018. Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting), Earl Evans, Michael Mulhern, and Carrington Vanston

Topic: Having no topic didn’t help

In an attempt to keep the time under control, we skipped the host topic. Spoiler: It didn’t work.

Topic and feedback notes:

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer-related Commercials

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Closing discussion notes:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 178: Retro ANTIC Assembly Chicken Missile Talks Our Way Out Of It (KansasFest 2018 MegaPodcast)

This is the annual group “megapodcast” recorded at KansasFest, from July 2018. The event draws quite a few podcasters, so we all sit in a room and talk for an hour.

This year’s podcast involves surprisingly little discussion of the KansasFest event itself (which is an annual gathering of Apple II enthusiasts, along with some others, for almost a week of “retrocomputing camp”). It is held at Rockhurst University in Kansas City, Missouri, where everyone lives in a dorm room, socializes in common areas, goes to presentations held in the basement, participates in various events, works on projects of their own or observes projects others are doing.

We discuss the event itself, play a version of “Celebrity” with figures from geek culture or computing history, hear stories about kidnapping and comedians, and generally have a grand time.

There were three microphones in the middle of a room (though we really only used the audio from one of them), and the audio quality is what you would expect from a microphone in the middle of a room full of talking and laughing people. Also, this same audio appeared on the Open Apple podcast feed, so if you heard it there already, you are excused from listening to it again (unless you want to).

The participants were (clockwise from Quinn):


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 177: Museum, Collection, or Hoard?

Panelists: Michael Mulhern (hosting), Earl Evans, Paul Hagstrom, and Jack Nutting

Topic: Museum, private collector, or hoarder?

So, are you a museum, a private collector, or a hoarder? Really?

Topic and feedback notes:

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercials

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Closing discussion notes:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 176: What We’ve Done On Our Summer Vacations

Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting), Jack Nutting, and Carrington Vanston

Topic: What we’ve done on our summer vacations

This time we talk a bit about what we saw on our various recent excursions, primarily KansasFest, also a little bit more from the college reunion that was the backdrop for episode 174.

Topic and feedback notes:

Retro Computing News:

Vintage Computer Commercial

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Closing discussion notes:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 175: Schmopic

Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting), Michael Mulhern, and Carrington Vanston

Topic: Schmopic

Happy July.

Topic and feedback notes:

Retro Computing News:

Vintage (Computer) Commercial(s)

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:

Topic and feedback notes:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 174: Atari facts and 8-bit FAQs

Panelists: Michael Current, Paul Hagstrom, and Jack Nutting

Topic: Atari facts and 8-bit FAQs

In an unusual episode, Jack and Paul are joined by Michael Current around the same physical table, talking about things largely related to the early development of Atari and Michael’s Atari timeline and Atari 8-bit FAQ. There was a single microphone in a not particularly well noise-isolated room, so enjoy the party-like atmosphere.



Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars


RCR Episode 173: Where might you have wanted to go today?

Panelists: Earl Evans (hosting), Paul Hagstrom, Jack Nutting, and Carrington Vanston

Topic: Where might you have wanted to go today?

Imagine an alternate universe in which Atari, Commodore or even Apple had become the predominant computer architecture, rather than WinTel. How might have computing looked different in the 80s and beyond?

Topic and feedback notes:

Retro Computing News:

Vintage (Computer) Commercial(s)

Retro Computing Gift Idea:

Auction Picks:


Intro / Closing Song: Back to Oz by John X – link
Show audio files hosted by CyberEars
